Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and some verses

I thought I would share with you all a picture of my family from thanksgiving as well. It was a blessed day last thursday with our friends the Raimundos and our grandparents. I am so thankful for christian friends and for my family who keeps molding me into a better person by there examples. Jesus has been teaching me a lot lately, even though I am stubborn and don't want to listen sometimes.

Today has been a nice day so far, I have just created a music playist for the blog and I have started my bible verse cross stitch. I am excited at getting to finally start this project. In case others did not see my post, it is in the post about my christmas gifts for this year. It is a cross stitch that will have a church and the Bible verse from Matthew that says," with God all things are possible." This verse has been very close to my heart lately with some prayers and things that have come up in my life.

I will leave you all with this. As I have school, dinner to make, and some singing to do and, some more crocheted gifts to make.

I was feeling down and unhappy the other day because of some circumstances in my life that I don't like and this is the verse my dad gave me and he said," read this and cast your burden on the Lord."

Psalms 55:22 " Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved."

The Lord is there I can give him my troubles and He will not let me fall. This verse really made be still and realize that I can't do it on my own. I have to give this to Him!

And this verse in Isaiah has reminded me to be joyful even in times that I don't know why things are happening and why my life is so different than I expected. "You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways." Isaiah 64:5

The Lord will meet us if we are righteous, if we are his children! He is right there with us. Remember to cast your troubles and doubts on Him and trust in His Name! It really has helped me today to realize that all this is in His plan and will mold me and make me joyful and patient. Its molding me to be a better christian.

Have a blessed week filled with the Lords work!

In Christ,



Melanie said...

It was so nice to see a picture of your family! :-D I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

Thank you for sharing those verses. I need those reminders too!!

Rebecca Ann said...

Thanks melanie for commenting! I am glad to be able to post pictures on here of my family. Lots of people probably don't know what I look like without my hair parted and back from all the reenacint photos. My hair is curly and long and there it is! Finally an everyday picture of me!

I will be emailing you tonight or tomorrow melanie!