Hello everyone!

(Oh and yes thats my cat Felix on the new afghan I recently finished! You can see pictures of afghan
You may remember that I posted about a month ago that I was making new curtains as well as putting a regular floor bed back into my room. Well I finally finished putting my old bed and my mother's antique desk into my room. I love the way it turned out! You can see how it was before
here. I am so happy not to have a loft bed and stainless steel furniture anymore! I have yet to paint the walls my new light blue theme color, but all the new furniture is and in place. Lord willing I will get to paint before June! :)

My desk is my mother's antique writing desk from Germany. We used to live there for 3 years from when I was 2 till I was 6 years old. I don't remember much of living there, but my mother bought some real treasures! She has given me this desk to keep!! I absolutly love the cherry wood!!! Its my favorite stain! Can you tell??? My hope chest and dresser are similar in stain color! :)

My new/old bed. I had this bed when I was a little girl and then when I was 13 we bought modern loft bed, but now I have sold my loft bed and put my old fashion bed back in! I love the look a lot better!

My night stand was from my sister, she got a new night stand and gave it to me! I love how it has a book shelf for my current reading, so I can grab it and read in bed!!
My current reading list for pleasure consists of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War H.W. Crocker the 3rd, which I received for christmas. Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by Piper and Gruben, Shakespeares play As You Like It, Stepping Heavenward by Prentis, almost finished with Persuasion by Jane Austen. I just finished A Heart for God by Ferguson yesterday, as well as finished Castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Jaques last week. I loved both of them and I would read A Heart for God over and over again! So much to glean from it! I am also reading Stepping Heavenward for the second time. I read it 3 years ago and loved it. I still do! I plan to start Womanly Dominion by Mark Chanski tomorrow. I bought it at the thrift store for only 50cents!!! I was so excited, I had been hearing it was a great read!

My dresser is next to my night stand and I posted more details about it
here. I got it for free on the side of the road! I could not believe someone would get rid of such a great antique treasure!!!
At the end of my bed is my hopechest and my books shelves are above the hope chest. I love my books and I also keep all my music and stationary and cards on this shelf as well.

My hope chest is also cherry wood and was given to me by my parents for my 16th birthday! It is filled to the brim! I have been storing more items in my closet and Lord willing I get more supplies and items for my future abode Lord willing I will store them under my bed.

So right now I love it, but I really want the walls to math my new curtains and hope chest cushions! I have a theme of blue and white going on with the lamp also having those colors. Soon I will paint!
Tomorrow I have much for to post! I can't believe it had been 2 weeks yesterday that I had not updated! Its been so busy! I also am sorry as I can not figure out how to get my things back on the side of my blog, instead of the bottom. If anyone has any sugguestions for gettings widgets and my profile back to the right side like it should be let me know! It would be most appreciated.
God bless,
Rebecca Ann