"Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant!" -Psalm 135:3 Let us sing all the time thanking the Lord for His blessings He gives us everyday!
Monday, August 30, 2010
His Salvation

Friday, August 27, 2010
Another thrifty find
Last week after visiting and helping some friends of my family pack to move into their new place my sister, mother, and I hit the goodwill thrift store. Yes we went to the thrift store again. We do not go often, but when we do we are usually blessed with treasures for great prices. The Lord was good and blessed me with finding a new dress that is winter colors! Black here I come! Also it has grey, fushia, and white in the pattern of the dress. All colors I know are my season. At least now I believe they are.

So now all my friends, family, and myself have come to the conclusion that I am a winter. I am quite happy as I never thought brown was the best on me. So now I am on the look out for more black in my wardrobe as well as other winter colors. I also found these nice mary janes above in black when I found the dress as well. Both dress and shoes cost me $11.00.

The dress was $7.00 and the shoes were $4.00. I was suprised when I had been wanting black flats and I said Lord I would really like a pair of black shoes and he blessed me with a pair. I went into the goodwill looking for the shoes and not the dress. But I have been wanting more dresses in my wardrobe. So I feel blessed to have found winter colors again! I have one black cami and a sweater and now a pair of shoes and a dress that are black. But most of my cloths are cool colors thankfully. So no I am not throwing out my whole wardrobe. Just over time as I get tired of or wear things out I will be on the look out for winter colors.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wool civil war dress progress
Suprise! I have been creating a new wool/silk blend puff sleeved dress. Since you all do not know me in real life you all might be suprised to know that I love puff sleeves!!! I even adore the ones Anne Shirley wears to the ball with Diana in the movie. The dress that Matthew bought for her! I love anything that is poofy! The 1830's era is my favorite because of the big puff sleeves. So I wanted something a little frilly for civil war. Bethany my sister helped me draft these puffs based on the CDV below.

The lady on the far right is the one with the sleeves I have been wanting for over a year now. Now its come into existance! Yes my puffs! I am so extatic!!! I am not aware of who owns this photograph, but I did get it off of ebay. If you own this photograph and would want photo credit I can do that. Just comment.

You can see the puffs above and below. But these photos do not do them justice. They are a lot better on a person. But here is a sneak peek of what I am wearing to our first civil war event in October. Navy dress with brown plaid.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Canning apple sauce and apple butter
I wanted to share with you all what my family was up to last week. We were canning up a storm. Here are some photos of what we do. We usually don't use a pressure canning method. We put our clean jars in a grill pan over the stove and get them hot. Then we pour our mixture into the jar as you see below from our crock pot.

Pouring apple sauce in jars below.

Monday, August 23, 2010
The star quilt boarder progress
I started the boarder of my quilt while watching Bleak House with my mother and sister. Its a great movie by the way based off of Dickens novel. I wanted to share what progress I have made. I finished all the middle, which is all the squares with stars being hand quilted in July. But I started saturday quilting the boarder. I made a stencil shaped to the exact dimensions of the stars in the squares of the quilt. I used the stencil as my template for tracing with pencil to quilt the star shape all the way around the boarder. Here is my progress of only three in the corner. But you can see what I have been up to this way. I will post a picture of it finished soon.

All three of the stars in the corner above. It took me a little over half of the whole 5 episodes of the movie to do. I guess about an hour and a half. I love quilting. I used to hate it, but now I enjoy having my hands do something during movies or chatting with friends.
Below my little place to read each evening in bed and quilt as well. I have finished Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss, When You Rise Up by R.C Sproul Jr. (its about homeschooling and why its a great thing to do as Christians), John Calvin and His Passion for the Majesty of God by John Piper( would recommend this one because it tells you about calvins life and about the misunderstanding some have of this theologian.), A City On A Hill by Ryken,

God bless,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
As promised....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My favorite outfit right now and busyness
I promised that I would post about my $1.00 dress, but I changed my mind and decided to post the outfit I wore today. Yes, I am a gal and tend to change my mind! But do not be in despair you shall see the $1.00 dress tomorrow Lord willing as I am going to wear it tomorrow. :)
So without further or do here is my outfit that I wore making apple sauce and apple butter with my mother and sister, mopped and vacumed the house, as well as sewed some more of my wool civil war dress; while I listened to The Hiding Place with my two favorite gals. I also studied John Lockes The reasonableness of Christianity and journaled in my England trip photo album that my mother put together for my sister and I. Its been a full day! My daddy also took us out to eat before he leaves for his uncles funeral tomorrow. I will miss him until he comes back sunday.

My jean skirt is the same one I posted about here and it was only $8.00 at the thrift store. I wear this one almost all the time. Its a staple in my wardrobe now. Its not too casual and not too fancy. I would wear this to church and still feel dressed up! I love it! So all in all my whole outfit except my Bible sandals was about $23.00 with tax. That sounds expensive, but here in northern VA that is cheap and I bought it all on sale and at the local thrift store.
Now you may be wondering why I said the total of my outfit except for my Bible sandals. Well I believe that they do not count since I wear them with almost every single outfit I own. They were only $23.00 to be exact with grad money from friends. So I say that each day if I count that day for $1.00 and its been more than $23.00 and I have worn them for about 2 months almost every day they were not as expensive as it might seem as I did not have to spend a penny since they were a gift. if you get what I am saying. They were not bought with money from my pocket therefore I am not including it in what I spent for my outfit. So the outfit is about $21.00 dollars. This is one of my more expensive ones, since I don't normally spend $10.00 on a top unless its really pretty such as this one I am wearing above. :)
Tomorrow my dress will be the cheapest outfit I own at only $1.05 from the West Virginia thrift store near my grandparents house. It was a bargain and its so pretty!!!
We have been canning apple sauce and apple butter yesterday and today. I will post pictures of some finished jars soon. We always go to our local orchard every august and get 6 buckets of apples and 5 buckets of peaches to freeze for pie fillings and can to make butters and jams. So its a ritual in our house if you want to call it that. :) I love it and it saves us money, not so much time, but its all worth it. Jar photos coming soon. God bless and have a wonderful happy wednesday tomorrow!

Monday, August 16, 2010
What we have been up to.....
3 weeks at the end of July Bethany and I and our parents went to visit our good friends the Needs. They are our adopted grandparents and wonderful examples to our family of the older teaching the younger. Bethany and I stayed for about 10 days after our parents left being with us 3 of the days. We learned a lot of sewing techniques and had a great time! I made a skirt for a friend and some other little girls dresses and Bethany made some little girls dresses and a ladies dress also. Grammie(Mrs Need) helped us and taught us during the week we were there.

We were able to see Gershwins piano and lots of his hand written music that were the rough drafts of his musicals and other songs. We also saw Thomas Jeffersons library, which I was not aloud to photograph unfortunately! It was amazing!!! So many books! Since they were so expensive back in the 1770s I was so suprised at his collection, but at the same time I could imagine them all in Monticello where he lived. We went there a few years back. Beautiful! We also saw the Guttenburg Bible, unfortunately I could not photograph that either. But it was amazing! We also went to the National Gallery of Art and it was beautiful as usual.

I will post the dress that I wore on the trip to D.C. that I bought while I was visiting Grammie and Grandpa at their local thrift store called Rio for only $1.00! Its my favorite color to wear ice blue and its a dress I will be copying into my own pattern someday! Until tomorrow!
In Christ,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
4th of July living history event
Just a note all these photos are the property of Lindsey Weberg photography and may not be ta
ken without my or her permission. Please respect that and do not use they photos anywhere else.
I know I have been absent from the blog world for about a month now! :) But its been a busy time and here is a little of what my life was like at the beginning of July. My family and reenacting group went to Gettysburg Pennsylvania for the annual 4th of July celebration. So we set up our camp thursday and stayed until sunday night. It was until monday, but we were so tired we left early since my dad needed work monday anywho. So here are the adventures of the Stricker family doing living history of the civil war with our friends in Christ.

My parents above together. :)

On saturday we even did our laundry and the public really were interested. We do dishes, cooking, hair demos, sewing, and many other activities that they did daily during the civil war. We try to show how they lived and do it in a way that is hands on in our camp.

Above you can see our wash table where we wash all the dishes at bottom of the photo. You can also see our tents on the left side of the photo that we sleep in. In this photo we are doing a young ladies hair for her for a small fee. It was fun to show people what the hair styles of the period were like by doing it for them.

Here is a young woman in our group demonstrating how to make homemade lemonade. All the
kids who came to see the living history event loved helping! it was cute to let them help and they enjoyed it.

In the above picture I am showing with my civil war doll that I posted about here what the under garments of a lady in the civil war looked like and how they were worn. The lady next to me was from England and was quite interested in our family group. Since all the people in our group are families that homeschool she was very interested. She even interviewed us for a magazine that she is a reporter for. So we may be in a spring issue of an english home magazine in 2011. It was exciting and I was nervous as were the other young ladies and men in our group. But it was a great witness for Christ as I added in parts of my testimony to share.

Above one of the moms in our group is cooking fried chicken over the open fire for dinner on saturday! It was so hot, but she got through it with some other girls in our groups help. It was deliscious!

On sunday our fly that is a shady area for us to sit and to eat was falling down. So we held it up with the help of our wooden spoons! It was funny, but scarey because it bent the metal pin that kept the fly on top of our tent!!!!!! But my dad was able to bend it back and put it back on top of the tent.