You all may have notice my lack of posts lately!
But I realized that this is my 70th blog post!! Yeah!!! I love blogging and hearing from you all! I love comments and feed back! I also have reached 45 followers!!! This has gotten me excited today. :)
Right now in my life as a full time homeschool senior, daughter of my earthly parents, daughter of the King, musician, baker and chef, friend to many, pursual of my Higher calling from the Lord, and many other personal changes going on in my life, I have been so busy and obsorbed totally in life in the moment. I have been thinking about the future and planning and trying to figure out what I am to be doing by next year. As I don't want to get the normal college education at any university, its been really a tough road, not knowing what I will be doing for my education next year. But I know its in the Lord's hands, even when I cry out to Him and there is no answer now I know He will answer, just not now. In His timing!

My list is ever growing with the things I want to do and need to do for school, spiritually, my family and friends and goals I want to do. I always write out a list the night before each day. Its been a habit of mine. I also finally found the perfect pencil cup for 25cents!!! I love it, it has a cute floral motif on it.
I have ideas for what I will be sewing, that I will keep baking and cooking, and hopefully be driving and teaching children the art of the piano by then. But I do not know what "college education" I will be pursuing. I thought the Lord was leading me to get a music major in voice, or a music major in teaching piano. But now I really feel uneasy about that and feel the Lord is leading me in a different direction from what I have always thought I would do in college.
So right now I am waiting and I can not say that I am waiting as patiently as I should be. I am patient, but I think I am just scared, not knowing what I will be doing next year. But the Lord has shown me that He is a comforter, yesterday I had a break down about worrying about my future and He sent these verses my way. I have been enduring much affliction lately and in the past 2 years, ever since I became a christian I saw much affliction from people who were "christians" and that really suprised me and it hurt. I still am appaled and some of the behavior I have witnessed in the Church of Jesus Christ! So these verses were very timely " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
I don't fit in with many of my age group of this generation and I may have different convictions about living a godly life compared to some of this century, but I know that I am comforted by my family through Christ, they have been through affliction and are encouraging and I am grateful for that. These verses were so timely when I needed comfort, not being sure what will be happening in the future and when I had suffered from much anxiety and remembering things that have happened that were hard and are still hard.
My parents want me to have some type of degree to further my education as well as if I need to get job in the future. But the main reason they want me to do college at a univerisity of some sort is to learn more in my music studies. I too want to learn lot in music and I think there is nothing wrong with learning. I am fine with that, but as I believe and so do my parents I should not have a left wing and liberal and non-Biblical education for college. College-plus is looking like a good option along with taking classes at the local community college called Nova. But I really want to do something that is not just studying, but it ministering to people instead of having my nose in my music studies all the time. I do think I would still be able to evangalize to people through college, but I much rather focus my whole higher education program on God and His kingdom than my own music or teaching career. We shall see though! If you think of me please pray for guidance from the Lord and that He would give me a clear vision of what He wants me to do and not what I or my parents want me to do.
Oh and speaking of a music major that I may become, here is my new piano!!!!!!! It is not mine, but my father bought it for my mother and she shares it with me. I am so excited!!!!!!! I love it! I have been practicing most every day piano and voice! Its a kawai and it is 5 feet and 10 inches long. I absolutly love it! I still can't believe we own a grand piano. We have another Kawai which I have shown pictures of on here before, but it is an upright, still wonderful, but this is even better! Now when I start Lord willing teaching piano students next fall they can do duets on both pianos at the same time. Right now my mom is doing that with her students for their spring recital. I am doing a duet with one of her younger students that is near my level, but I am doing music at her level, not mine with her. She is a great student and I can't wait to learn the duet parts to play with her for the recital.

It was so amazing when they tipped it on its side to bring it up the stairs to our living room!!! EEEEE! I love seeing the inside and I just had to snap a picture.

This picture is not that great I realize, but its wonderful in person. If you are in VA come and visit!
On another note, here is my outfit for today. As I said ealier I have been doing some spring cleaning and I have gotten all my bohemian and spring-like out of their storage bin in my closet. I was so happy to wear my green skirt, which I bought in Italy 2 summers ago with my church group and family on a mission trip to Rome and learning about Church history.

The skirt I am not sure how much it was, I saw it at a street vendor and I said I liked it and my dad bought it for me! :) The belt also came with the skirt. The three quarter sleeve jean shirt was I think $3.00 at the thrift store last fall and I love it! I wear it for days that are more casual and I will be doing cooking and cleaning like today, because it wears well and will not get ruined easily like some of my favorite spring blouses. The cross necklace I wear everyday and it was bought for me by my father when we visited the Vatican in Italy the same trip as when we bought the skirt and yes those are the only two things he bought me. Two very special things! The purple t-shirt is from target and was $12.00 that same summer before we went to Rome. I wear it so much! Purple is one of my favorite colors besides blue and green and red!

Here the sqaures are above! All of the yarns were from previous projects when I had left over yarn and they are crocheted. I plan to start putting them together later tonight, I will be crocheting 5 more to make it the size I would like for a fun universal children's quilt. I will probably use it now on my own bed for summer, since it is warmer and I won't need a flannel/fleece blanket, but something lighter. This afghan will also be mostly 100% cotten yarns, some soft acrylic is in there, but not a lot.