Sorry everyone I missed yesterday and Sunday, because we had company and I did not have time for posting. Sunday I wore my striped civil war day dress, because our friends came up from southern VA to get their wedding pictures done at a photography studio in Gettysburg, PA. So my sister and I dressed up along with them for their picture. We did not get our pictures done, but our family plans to in the future very soon! Yesterday I wore a different modern outfit from today that I will wear again this week. I also wore no shoes yesterday and sunday I wore my civil war boots.

My sweater has embroidery detail in light blue!! I love the light blue flowers! I have a lot of blue so this sweater goes with many of my outfits I already had when I got it. Its very versitale actually!

Here is the full outfit. This skirt I made right before my sister and I went to England in September for the Sense and Sensibility tour. It was quick skirt from the 1910 walking skirt pattern by Folkwear. My sister and I both of 2 skirts made from this pattern and we love them. Its similar to the beatrix skirt pattern from Sense and Sensibility patterns. I made the skirt out of a stretchy polyester that has a pin stripe I bought off the sale table at Joann.
The blue long sleeve shirt is from target and I think it was $12.00. The sweater is thrifted from a thrift store my sister, mother, and I love called Thrifty Sisters that is near Patrick Henry College where I take my homeschool choir class. Its in Lovettsville, VA. So if you are in the area check them out! The sisters are so nice and give great deals on their clothing and other items! :) We bring in donations sometimes and they give us a lot of discounts for bringing in our treasures and coming out with new ones. :) I think the sweater was only $5.00 and is from Ann Taylor Loft!! I love that brand! My scarf was probably $1.00 from a thrift store in PA.

Here is a better picture of my neck scarf. I was inspired by Hannah over at cultivating home to wear my neck scarf today.

My boots I wore in the morning, as my sister, mother, and I went to our spanish class, which we take at a homeschool group.

My hair looked like this at the end of the day, I had it down most of the day, but I don't have pictures. It looked a lot like my hair is done in the pictures of my sister and I in my previous post learning to shoot.
Have a blessed day and I will hopefully get to post again for tomorrow. I will have to wear another pair of shoes!
In Christ,