I just finished sewing up two laundry bags for my grandparents. I thought I would share them with you all here.
The one below is for my grandmother. I adore the way it turned out! My sister Bethany made the pattern and I put it together. The fabric is the best part I believe!!!
And here is my room after cleaning today! woohoo! fabulously clean!
details of a quilt my mother, sister, and I made last year for civil war living history. I use it on my bed when we are not at events. Its about a queen size, so it drags on the ground on my bed, but its great for covering up the sides of my bed. Oh and I am learning to knit as well. My sister has been teaching me, its getting better. At least I can knit and cast-on so far. I hope to practice at our next civil war living history event next weekend.
Have a lovely friday! Another post coming tomorrow.
In Christ,