Hey everyone! Here are some photos from the past year of my families lives. The Lord changed my life so much this past year in so many ways! We found a good new church that is teaching the Word as well as a great encouragement to us. We also started our own reenacting group. We helped with colonial and war of 1812 reenactments as well. I was able to start college plus and am Lord willing starting my own home business. Dreams of my mine have come true such as doing family Bible study regularly as a family. Daddy had it put on his heart from the Lord. Praise God!
I have also done something that has been a goal of mine for a long time. I have been learning to drive! I have been able to help out and drive my parents and sister places now that I can drive. Praise the Lord. I just need to get my liscense and that will be a even bigger blessing. Praise God for His protection as driving can be scarey and dangerous.
We found so many new friends that have encouraged us on the path of Christ! I had prayed for friends who were also one in Christ! The Lord never forgets His childrens hearts desires. As I remember from Psalm 42 He really does fulfill our hearts desires. He gave us a church home as well fulfilling the 3rd desire of my heart. I have also done something that has been a goal of mine for a long time. I have been learning to drive! I have been able to help out and drive my parents and sister places now that I can drive. Praise the Lord. I just need to get my liscense and that will be a even bigger blessing. Praise God for His protection as driving can be scarey and dangerous.
Our friends got married December 2009 actually but it was in december and practically the new year. So I added this photo in! :)
Beth and I and our great aunt planted a garden in our front yard last spring. Here we are in action putting the bushes in the front garden.
I was able to be in the Patrick Youth choir until June when I graduated from homeschool high school. I loved it and made many wonderful friends.
Bethany and I and our parents were able to participate in the army of chivalrous christian soldiers homeschool reenactments of the civil war. It was great fun. Here is a photo of the two of us below. WOW! was that really almost a year ago?!
Bethany and I graduated from high school by our parents homeschooling us for 7 years! It was a blessing to be able to have our photo done by our great friend in Christ Lindsey W. below. She is so talented! We celebrated by going to williamsburg with our friends and Grandpa all the way from Alaska.
We participated in 3 colonial living history events through the Bonnets and Bayonets organization. It was great fun and Williamsburg gave us much inspiration for sewing up our dresses and caps and such. I had fun sewing my first outfit inside and out all by myself! I even made my stays! It was hard, but great fun! I was proud when it was done. But my cap was made by Sarah Jane over at Romantic History blog. Do read her blog if you love historical clothing!
My sister, mother, and I and friend below and above. I am in the lavendar gown. My sister is in the maroon gown and my mother is in the striped jacket. I made my mothers cap as well.
We had a huge snow as well last february! We had over 3 feet! that was memorable!
My sister and I celebrated my 19th birthday in our new to us A-frame tent for my birthday. We had food and lots of books and spent the night there and watched Persusasion on my laptop. We had access to it on youtube because we slept in the backyard and had wi-fi access. :) It was great fun and we knew so little what the Lord would do after we got a tent. We did not even have our reenacting group together yet. So glad it came together by His will alone!
We made a quilt for our friends that got married. You can see it below.
I finished a civil war paletote(coat) and even finished the trim this past november.
I made a wool modern coat with the help of friends and its kept me so warm this december! I am in love with it!
I switched to no shampoo method of washing my hair in august 2010 and I love it! I am using only baking soda and water for my shampoo with some lavendar essential oil along with apple cider vinegar for my conditioner.

I was so excited to finish my first quilt for myself! :) We had been doing so many quilts for friends that I had not done one for myself. So it was fun to do this Ohio Star quilt this past year while watching the winter olympics and get it done. I also use it at civil war reenactments in our tent. My cat Oscor loves it too! :) 

I received my christmas gift early this year in November and now I am the proud owner of my own sewing machine. I had been using my sisters. But I love my Janome Magnolia.
I completed my 3rd civil war dress. This was my first time working with a more expensive fabric though. Its a wool and silk blend navy blue plaid dress. I adore it and loved wearing it 4 times this past october and december. It was quite warm! :)
Me playing the piano here at home. Well God bless everybody! We have had a busy week and our sewing room has been reorganized. I can't wait to post pictures! Its starting to be beautiful again and organized and not so cluttered and messy. I love that! But its too tempting when I am supposed to be studying for clep exams for college. :)
God bless and I hope you can find things to improve on this coming year and be thankful for all the things the Lord has given you to learn, do for His glory, and see that you can do differenting! I really have seen the Lord work in my life this past year more than ever before in my short life. He is amazing! I will leave you with these words.
" I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom, but I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death, and resurrection. Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer. But this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom. " From the song How Deep the Father's Love for Us by fredrick W. Faber
We sing that song at my church often and it reminds me that I did none of this past year without my Lord. I did not learn new things, see His glory by my strength! He is so good! may you all see that as you go on to this new year! Be blessed in Him alone!
In Christ,