Hi everyone!
I had a question from a reader about my hair again. Thank you
Hannah Elise for your good question on how to take care of your hair so it can grow longer. Her question was how do you get your hair to grow out and what tips do you have for doing this. I really have not been trying until a couple months back to grow my hair out. I decided over the summer I want to get my hair to be as long as it was when I donated it when I was 12 years old, which was down to my bottom.
My hair this past spring was only about shoulder length. |
My hair right now is half way down my back. So it grew a lot between last april and now. |
The first thing I would say for anyone even with straight or curly or wavy hair to eat well. If you don't eat so great all the time like me take supplements and a daily vitamin. Ever since I started doing this my hair has definitely felt healthier and looked healthier. The vitamins I take are raw vitamins from the brand Garden of life, which I buy from
vitacost. Thank you to Mrs. Soderstrom for telling us about Vitacost! Its totally literally saved our lives and money. :) We buy all kinds of supplements and food products from them monthly for much cheaper than the health food store in our area.
Another thing I think works, I don't know quite yet, but I think not cutting my hair regularly has let it grow at a faster rate. I really do think that has let it grow faster. I cannot say for sure. But it sure it longer than it was last summer. When my curly hair is wet it is down to my bottom. When its curly its about half way down my back.
I would also say keeping your hair clean and moisturized helps. I always do a moisturizing treatment every 1-2 months. I use a recipe my sister found online somewhere. It includes oatstraw, olive oil, vinegar, and an egg. Ok I am pretty much into doing things natural so if you are not too keen on natural hair care then this method might not be for you. :) You can totally buy a hair moistureizing treatment from the grocery too. Its cheaper for me and better for my hair and body I think to use the raw foods to moisturize, but you be the judge of that.
My hair at the length it is currently at is half way down my back when its curly. When its wet its down to my rear end. |
Here is the recipe for this hair moisturizing treatment. I do it the evening before a day I am not going anywhere. I also do it when my family and I are not going anywhere and do not have company. The vinegar has a strong odor so its not too pleasant for people who are not used to smelling it. ;) The vinegar in this treatment makes hair shiny and darker. Lemon juice will make it lighter in color. The eggs add vitamins your hair needs to be healthy. The oils add moisture and the oat straw adds more nutrients for your hair.
Beautiful Hair Treatment
3/4 cup of lemon juice or vinegar ( use lemon for lighter highlights, or vinegar for red/darker highlights)
1/2 cup oat straw
2 beaten eggs
1 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or mayonnaise (optional)
(I would only use olive oil on hair that is dry like curly hair. My sister Bethany does not use it because her hair tends to be oily and therefore it makes the oil worse. I have never tried mayonnaise on my hair and probably never will as its eggs too.)
1. In a small pot, mix the lemon or vinegar with your oat straw. Heat the mixture on the stove for 5 minutes and don't let it boil.
2. Let the mixture cool for 5 minutes, and mix 2 beaten eggs. For those of you with dry hair, add the 2 tablespoons of olive oil or mayonnaise. a bit of lavender or rosemary ground into powder can also be added to the treatment at this time to give it a faint, pleasant scent.
3. Grab a plastic grocery bag and a damp warm towel first before you apply your treatment! I have made this mistake of forgetting to get them before my hands are covered in the goop. :) Apply the treatment to your hair, ensuring you cover the most damaged parts such as your ends. Keep mixture warm by placing a plastic baag over your hair, and wrapping a warm, damp towel around your head.
4. Leave it on for 45 minutes or so ( the longer the better). As the towel cools, you can warm it up again to get the most out of the treatment.
5. Without shampooing, rinse your hair, and let air dry. use shampoo the following day. However, if you added the oil or may, you may want to shampoo before bedtime to avoid staining your bedding. ( I always shampoo after doing the treatment.)
My treatment lasts me about 2 months, so I like to do it every other month.
I hope this post was helpful and informative. If you have any tips for how to keep your hair healthy and growing longer comment below.
God bless,